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Friday, January 30, 2009

15 point assignment

In addition to dressing everyday all students are required to post one assignment per sport in the tournament competition class

Write one paragraph on this blog on why you love basketball!! If you don't love it, post a paragraph on rules or history of the sport. Your post/comment must be at least 5 sentences and is due the last day of Basketball. Don't forget to put you name on it!!


  1. I love basketball, it gives me a sense of accomplishment. Through teamwork we can be successful. When I'm on the court I forget about my daily life and my problems. I just focus on putting the ball in the basket. I can have fun and enjoy myself all while pushing my body to the limit.

  2. u just couldnt wait ^^^^^^^^^^^
    does dis kount? HAHAHA

  3. I don't love basketball at all. So I'll provide you with a cool theory. Michael Jordan is still widely known, he went down in basketball history. Jordan started three trends(according to this theory): a) long,baggy shorts [for every game he would wear his North Carolina basketball shorts(where he went to college and played basketball, of course) underneath his Bulls uniform, in order for the shorts to fit underneath he needed bigger and longer shorts]b) air jordans c) and the whole hat w/ the sticker thing (he wore it in the early nineties). I don't know how he's able to sleep at night knowing that boys are literally killing and shooting each other for his overpriced $150 pair of shoes made by 7 and 8 years olds in China. I do however, respect the NBA All Star Stephon Marbury for playing with $15 dollar basketball shoes from Steve and Barrys.

  4. -annabel torres, 925; in your 5th period

  5. Pablo Hurtado Period 5

    I love basketball because it is my favorite sport. It is a very competitive sport and can get really intense. It is a rough and finesse sport, especially in the paint. My favorite part of basketball is the slam dunk because it is amazing how high the people jump when they dunk the ball. Crossovers are pretty exciting, especially when somebody gets their ankles broken. Defense is also cool, it funny when someone gets rejected hard as hell.

  6. David Atanus Period 5

    I love basketball. Its great because everyone knows how to play it and its so competitive. I know that you can even play when you have a hurt wrist like I do. Its fun even to shoot around with friends or just have a quick pick up game. Thanks Mr. Eisenberg for letting us play basketball.

  7. I love basketball because it is a very competitive sport. Despite how tired I get during the sport, it is always a fun sport to play daily. It gives me a good workout day to day. Basketball is an easy sport to learn and really easy to get into. Basketball is a great sport to play with your friends to not only help strengthen the physical body but also help the mind.

  8. I love basketball, because you can play for hours on end and be so into the game that you'll be playing for an hour and think you been playing for only 15 minutes. Even if you're not so skilled in this sport it's still fun playing with your friends and being on a team. They're are many great basketball players like Earl Manigoat, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Pete Maravich, Julius Erving, Shaquille Oneal, and plenty of others. It is not that hard to learn the rules and regulations for basketball and all you need is a hoop and a basketball. Basketball courts are at every park so you're surrounded by it your whole life. Almost all schools have a basketball team, and basketball can be played all year round since you can play indoor and outdoor.

  9. I enjoy or love basketball because of the adrenaline rush. When I'm able to play, defense is my favorite position. But I love the feeling of scoring as well. I feel accomplished and the longer I play I feel like I get better each time. Basketball is a great competition sport, and I also love how there are so many different games to play off of.

  10. Anthony Quiroz Period 5

    The reason I love basketball is because it is my favorite sport that we are we going to play in the class. I love the intensity in basketball. Everyone tries their hardest. And even if your not that good you can still have fun like me lol. But yea basketball is a great workout its the first sport we played that actually makes me sweat a lot and I like that lol. peace!

  11. Basketball, one of the greatest sports. It teaches u many things past the court. Basketball helps u develop team work skills. It also helps with leadership ability. This depends on your team however. It helps one connect with people that u might know. All these things can be applyed outside of school.

  12. Basketball is amazing because it's almost half as cool as soccer. No other sport can say that. I also love it because when I play, it's mostly with afro-mericans, and I surprise them with my unique jumping ability for a white guy and my D Rose crossover skills. And lastly basketball is amazing because even players like Michael Jordan need to pass the ball to players like John Paxson and Steve Kerr for the game winning Js.

  13. Anthony Muzquiz 5th period
    I like playing backetball because I am a very active person. I like to runup and down the court with my team and trying to get the win. Basketball is one of those sports where you can have alot of fun when you and your team are competing together and its working. When you have teamwork it's a great thing to witness. Basketball brins out alot of people and there competitiveness. Basketball is also a game where you can play it year round and work on every aspect of the game you need work on. It allows you to keep on getting better.

  14. I love basketball simply because its the best sport in the world!!! It gives kids around the world who come from nothing a chance to actually break the trend and become somthing in their life. I hope to use basketball as a way to get a free college education because i really cant afford to pay for it. This is somthing that will help me throughout the rest of my life. It is also a way to meet new friends and stay in shape. Basketball is also by faaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr the most competetive sport.......Thats why its the best!!!!

  15. Basketball is one of my favorite sports!. I enjoy watching it as well as playing it. It can be a way to release your stress. As for me I just like to have fun. Im not a very good player but I try my best at it. Basketball is a competetive sport that's full of action and I love that about it. I also enjoy going to basketball games to watch the Bulls play. Even though they kind of suck I AM STILL A FAN. Well that's all folks.!!! lol see you guys in gym.
    P.S HI EISENBERG. LOL. I better get a good response from this haha

  16. I like to play basketball. It's a fun and exciting sport to watch and play. It's fun playing with your friends whether you're playing for real or you're playing like a moron like Haseeb =)I can't wait for playoffs to start. It's going to be intense like last year.

  17. Mamadou Balde P5
    When it comes to basketball i would definitely have to say that I love it like I love meand that is deep. I love it because of all the dribbles, the hops,and the sweat. You are constantly running back and forth and dribbling and there are a bunch of tricksyou can do as well.

  18. Isael Huipio 5th period
    I love basketball. It is one of the most competitive sports out there. There is a feeling of success once you cross somebody over or shoot in someones face! The best part of basketball is driving the ball in. Its amazing when one can finish the play after getting smacked, scratched, etc. I cant wait to start the playoffs. Its going to be one of the most intense playoffs thus far.

  19. Basketball is more than a sport it is about not just what you can do to win a game but how well your team can work together to accomplish a common goal. Basketball is my favorite sport when I play basketball everything around me stops and I am only focusing on the game everything else does not matter. It is a great feeling because no matter what problems you have you get away from them and all you focus on is working with you team to win the game. That is why I love basketball.

  20. Toderdene Erdenebileg period 5, I love basketball because i love the competition, playing offence and defence, and the excitement of winning or losing. i love the sound of the ball going through the net and the feel of the ball as I dribble it as I please. I love the feeling of a hang time as you make a lay-up, or pass the ball in midair.

  21. Chan Kho Kim Period 5

    Basketball is my favorite sport for a variety of reasons. It is a game that combines physical toughness, speed, strategy, skill, and teamwork. As I just watched the Chicago Bulls defeat the stinkin' Orlando Magic, I realized how a team that is far less skilled (Bulls) can beat an elite team (Magic) by using teamwork. When people hear the word "basketball" the first thing that comes to their mind would be scoring points. The game has much more depth than that. It is a two part game consisting of offense and defense. When a consistency is found in both areas of the game, it becomes competitive. With competition comes fun. This is why it is my favorite sport.

  22. Why I like basketball?
    Basketball is a great sport because playing basketball is not a one man sport. The team has to work together to beat the other team. Basketball is my favorite sport and I wish we could play it all year round in p.e. After basketball, I'm not sure what other sports we are playing after this but, I hope they are as fun and competive as basketball. I hope my team goes all the way and wins in the finals.

  23. Andres Salgado 5th
    Basketball is a very competitive sport that requires good hand and feet coordination. I am not a big basketball fan, because I can't play at all, but I still enjoy watching others play. It is amazing how some players can jump so high and dunk. Basketball is a great way to stay in shape because you never stop moving and because it is a team sport it helps you learn how to work together.

  24. Haseeb Mirza 5th
    I HATE BASEKETBALL. I believe its a very selffish game that requires one person's skill over a teams chemistry. I believe there is very little strategy to the game and it lacks depth.

  25. Basketball has helped me realize my abilities and physical limits. It is a very competitive sport which requires speed, agility, power, and coordination. A good basketball player must have all of these characteristics if he or she wishes to be successful. There is no I in basketball. Being a team sport, it is not dependent on any one single person, rather it is a team effort. If one person falls, the team falls. Similarly, everyone must be on their game for a successful match. It is a highly competitive sport requires much attention as cardio respiratory strength.

  26. Patrick McReady Period 5
    there is many reasonswhy I love the game of basketball. I love the feeling of making a hard shot and everyone cheering. I love the look and fustration and anger on the face of someone who's is losing. I love the competiveness of the sport. I just love the game it's my favorite sport I can play and watch it all day

  27. David V 5th period
    i love basketball because its fun whether your really good or terrible. It gives you a chance to hang out with friends and use teamwork to win. it is also a good workout because of all the running that needs to be done.its also a great feeling when the ball swishes through the hoop.i love basketball.

  28. I love bassketball because it reminds me of the days wheni used to play in gradeschool. I always like play because its relaxing to shoot around.Its fun to play against friends because it keeps your mind off things.

  29. Josh Pedersen 5th period

    I like basketball because it is fun. I usually like to play it when I'm bored or have nothing to do. it is a sport that I enjoy to play but it is not one of my favorites. But I'd rather play basketball than volleyball or bags..

  30. i actually like baseketball to some extent. it is a very exhausting sport, however, my 3 point shot is on point. =D. although, my team got cheated and lost, i still enjoyed myself.

  31. I love basketball because its on of the few sports that you can play inside. All you need is a ball and a hoop. In basketball you can just shoot by yourself. Play one-on-one, two-on-two and so on. To be good at basketball you need a combination of strength, endurance, wit, hand eye cordination, and general moving skills. Basketball in P.E. was great because one could improve these skills while still having fun and working out with peers.

    Jefferson Florez 5th Period

  32. I like playing basketball simply because it is the one sport that just about everyone in the class is at least decent. This creates very competitive games and even tougher playoffs because every team has at least 3 people on it who are good at playing. Plus just about everyone looks forward to playing basketball so everyone is focused on winning
